Losing coverage, but need to keep taking medicines

I have been on medication (after so many failed disaster attempts of finding the right ones) for quite some time. Now my soon to be ex-husband is dropping my health insurance and I will not have any coverage for prescriptions or otherwise. I don’t qualify for state help. I’ve recently lost my job and have zero income.

My doctor even tried getting an advanced 3 month prescription so I would have some leeway, and the insurance company denied it.

I am terrified. I really REALLY need my medication.  What do I do?

Worried Sick

Dear Worried Sick,

Your best bet is to go to the website of the drug manufacturer, and look for their patient assistance program. Almost all drug makers have these programs for low-income patients who have no health insurance.  You are very likely to qualify for one of these programs, since you have no income and no insurance.

It may take some time to get through the patient assistance program application process.  In the meantime, I would suggest finding the closest free or sliding-scale clinic and asking for their help.  They may know of local charities or government programs that can help you right away.

Linda Riddell

About Linda Riddell

A published author and health policy analyst with 25 years’ experience, Linda Riddell's goal is to alleviate the widespread ailment of not knowing what your health plan can do for you.